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Related article: And on the brown hillside at set of sun Glows the warm glory of the dying heather, Where nestle safe brown fur and russet feather — Still by the river, gliding smooth and slack. Where the fat grayling shows his violet back. And steel-blue scented sides, as up he flies, (Cunning the skill that blinds those lozenge eyes) I pace the shortening day. But hark, a sound ! The gossamer wreathes trembling to the ground. Its flight arrested, now no more to ply, When o'er the marsh has wailed the snipe's first cry. Hast heard it, trusty gun, from where you gaze. Dumb, from your sentry box of dark green baize. Idle too long ? What hopes and memories pour Around us, as I grasp thy hand once more I Rough days on moor, wild nights by lonesome mere, Long strings of hurrying Amantadine 100 Mg fowl, in storm career, Flitting like shades athwart the scud- swept moon ; Then, rising weird amid the tempest's tune, The far off calling of the lone curlew — Awake my silent friend ; old rod, adieu ! I thank ye, brothers both, who chase the fear And wild regrets that haunt each passing year. SCOLOPAX. Notes of a Yachting Cruise by a Landsman, II. We had a very pleasant, if un- eventful, passage to Plymouth. Amantadine 100mg No exciting adventures befel us, for apparently there were no pirates about to capture us or desert islands to be cast upon. Hence all went smoothly, includ- ing the sea, and we entered the Sound about 8.30 a.m., and were soon at anchor just off Drake's island. Very shortly afterwards, we were hailed by a party in a boat, whose spokesman was anxious to know if we had " any- thing aboard under seal." TIk Admiral having told them enougb to induce them to sheer off, ex- plained for my benefit that their interrogatory was simply a polite way of asking if we were smugg^^'^ and that, as they were connected with the Customs, no mere idle curiosity Buy Amantadine Online prompted their enquiries. The same punctiliousness upon the part of these Governmeflf officials in calling upon new-comers was Amantadine Hydrochloride observed whenever we dropped anchor. 1900.] NOTES OF A YACHTING CRUISE BY A LANDSMAN. 413 The morning was mainly devoted to cruising around in the cutter and to going ashore. A full description of Plymouth will be found in several guide books, ''to be obtained at all booksellers' and stationers' " on the spot. Therefore, with respect to it, ** the rest is silence," as far as I am concerned. In the afternoon we went through the Hamoaze, the cele- brated anchorage of Her Majesty's ships, and a considerable number of them had congregated there fresh from the recent manoeuvres. Kvery species of fighting-ship and boat was represented, and a brave show they made. 1 worked the pump-handle of the Admiral's mind concerning them unremit- Buy Cheap Amantadine tingly, and if I could only have remembered a tenth of what he told me, I should be better qualified, I verily believe, to be first lord of the Admiralty than most of the gentlemen who have held that office. When we were well away from ships and dockyards, we landed to make an afternoon call, and by pleasant paths, through a wilder- ness, a Purchase Amantadine Online park and a terraced garden, reached one of those typical English homes which are handed down in one family from genera- tion to generation. Thence we took away enduring memories of a charming hostess, of oak- panelled rooms, from the walls of which the portraits of many ancestors looked down upon us — notably a superb Vankyke and a beautiful Romney — of miniatures too lovely for words, of old tapes- tries and much else that was cap- tivating. Here, too, was a portrait of the martyred Charles, painted, it was said, after he had fallen into the hands of his enemies; and corroborative evidence of this might be found in the profound melancholy of the countenance and the unusual amount of hair upon the face, as if he hadn't the heart left even to shave. In a glass case near were the outward habiliments of an ill-fated member of the house, who, after supporting the Roundheads up to a point, held back when it came to the execution of the king, and declined to be a party to it, with the result that he shared the fate of his monarch. The ** fine old hall was hung around with pikes and Buy Amantadine guns and bows," and these, with old regimental flags, drums and trumpets and other military trophies, bore silent testimony to the martial ardour of the family in this and preceding generations. In a boudoir, the immediate present was represented by a portrait of Order Amantadine ** Bobs " with his auto- graph at the foot. As we steamed back homewards, one thought with admiration of the patriotism which induced the owner of such a home to relinquish the enjoyment of it in order to undergo the dangers and privations of campaigning in South Africa. The next morning (Wednesday) I was initiated in the mysteries of semaphore-signalling Order Amantadine Online by two such proficients Purchase Amantadine in the art as the Admiral and the lady of the ship, who held quite a- long conversation for my benefit in various parts of the vessel without uttering a sound. It occurred to one that it would add considerably to the peace and quiet of the world at large, and of the Commons House of Parliament in particular, if this mode of exchanging ideas were generally adopted, I was then shown something of fiag-signal- ling, which enables an Admiral, through the medium of various coloured flags, not only to ascer- tain, when Generic Amantadine he gets up Amantadine Online in the morn- ing, how all the captains under his command slept the previous night, but, at the same time, 4H BAILY S MAGAZINE.